




July 2022 - Present


Just my personal website that showcase my projects, bookmarks, online resume, blogs (hopefully), and maybe some explorations in the future. Hundredbeans itself is my online identity name which means "Kacang Seratus" in Bahasa Indonesia. I build this website initially to explore WindiCSS + Nuxt3 and try its new features. I ended up using it for my personal website replacing my previous website using Nextjs + ChakraUI.

Tech Stacks

Backend - Typescript • Nuxt3 • Firestore • Telegram API

Frontend - Nuxt3 + WindiCSS • Vercel

Tools - Google Analytics • Github • VueUse

Lessons Learned & Notes

Here are some notes and lessons that I learned in the process of developing this project:

  • Creating web app using Nuxt3 as a fullstack framework
  • Nuxt3 is currently the best fullstack framework in my opinion. Easy to write and develop the BE routes, it has type checking when the UI accessing the data from the backend, easy to write content, better DX.
  • Creating web app that has dark mode feature
  • Use Telegram API and its webhook to perform CRUD easily. You may no longer need to build admin page anymore