




February 2020 - June 2020 (Suspended)


Online chatbot via LINE platform which can automatically respond to users' chat and requests in order to make a purchase of a prepaid voucher for all cellular operators within Indonesia. The chatbot uses NLP build with TensorFlow (Python).

This project is no longer active, cause the price to maintain EC2 + RDS instance in AWS is too expensive. It is impossible to migrate to the serverless function because the latency difference is too high for a chatbot and it needs high computing power to train and run the ML model itself. Also there are no market for this, since people just can use m-banking or other e-commerce to buy the prepaid voucher or "pulsa" anyway.

Tech Stacks

Backend - Python • Flask • MySQL + SQL-Alchemy • Docker • EC2 + RDS • TensorFlow • LINE API • Midtrans + Pulsa Provider

Frontend - React + MaterialUI • Line Liff

Tools - Github • Travis CI

Lessons Learned & Notes

Here are some notes and lessons that I learned in the process of developing this project:

  • Integrate midtrans and pulsa provider
  • Creating NLP model and integrate it with a chatbot
  • EC2 + RDS is too expensive and hard to maintain
  • You can develop a fully functional web app that runs on LINE chat and its very powerful. The framework is called LINE Liff
  • You can customize chat response in LINE using Flex Message API to have beautiful interface in LINE chat. Here is the documentation